The Grace Mission

Supporting victims of abuse and human trafficking.

What is the Grace Mission?

No one should have their rights violated and their dignity undermined. In Mission 1414, Inc., we believe all humans were created equal and are a reflection of the image and likeness of God, and they do not deserve to be treated in ways that violate the dignity of their person. Abuse in any form of a human person, including the act of sex and human trafficking, is a crime against God and humanity. 

The Grace Mission is an educational program that aims to raise awareness and empower people with the knowledge and resources to enable them to identify, avoid, prevent, and take action against abuse and human/sex trafficking. The Grace Mission is invested in helping to amplify the voices of many unseen voices and voices crying for help, including those who are too ashamed to speak out. The program is built on the Grace of God that reaches all of humanity.

Global Data Highlights on The Grace Mission

  • 27.6 million current victims of trafficking globally.
  • About 50 million people were victims of modern slavery on any given day in 2021.
  • 27.6 million people were in forced labor.
  • 22 million people were in forced marriages. 

Elements of The Grace Program

  • Education and Awareness: Provide communities with education and awareness on how to recognize human trafficking situations, common recruitment strategies, and ways that human/sex trafficking impacts individuals, families, and communities.   
  • Prevention Resources: Provide individuals and communities with resources on ways to identify indicators of trafficking safe reporting of suspicious activity to the appropriate agency.  
  • Public health framework: Use educational approaches based on public health framework.
  • Providing resources to empower victims: Help victims of trafficking with resources to enable them get  psychological, mental rehabilitation, and legal assistance. 
  • Linking victims to community resources: Linking victims to community organizations and groups providing support to victims of trafficking.
  • Community approach: Work collaboratively with community organizations, government agencies and other nonprofits to add government agencies to prevent trafficking and provide victims with the needed support.

Our Impacts

  • Increased awareness of signs and effects of trafficking on individuals, families, and communites.
  • Building  individual and community resilience against trafficking.
  • Victim-tailored support and pathways to recovery.
  • Help victims regain self-confidence, see hope and endless possiblies.
The Grace Mission Quiz

The Grace Mission Quiz

Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7

God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. I Corinthians 10:13


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